High-Speed Plasmid Mini Kit (PD100, PD300)
DNA Extraction/Plasmid DNA PurificationThe High-Speed Plasmid Mini Kit was designed for both plasmid and cosmid DNA purification. This plasmid kit will purify plasmid DNA/cosmid DNA from 1-5 ml of cultured bacterial cells using an efficient plasmid miniprep system. The High-Speed Plasmid Mini Kit uses a modified alkaline lysis method and RNase treatment to obtain clear cell lysate with minimal genomic DNA/RNA contaminants. In the presence of chaotropic salt, plasmid DNA in the lysate binds to the glass fiber matrix of the plasmid spin column. Contaminants are removed with a Wash Buffer (containing ethanol) and the purified plasmid DNA is eluted by a low salt Elution Buffer, TE or water. Typical yields are 20-30 μg for high-copy number plasmid or 3-10 μg for low-copy number plasmid from 4 ml of cultured bacterial cells. This plasmid kit does not require DNA phenol extraction or alcohol precipitation and the entire procedure can be completed within 15 minutes.