Presto™ 96 well Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (96VR02, 96VR04, 96VR10)
96 Well DNA/RNA Extraction/96 Well Virus Extraction kitThe Presto™ 96 well Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit was designed for high-throughput purification of high-quality of viral DNA and viral RNA from cell-free samples such as serum, plasma, body fluids and the supernatant of viral infected cell cultures. Detergents and chaotropic salt are used to lyse and inactivate viruses. The efficient glass fiber in each well is optimized for nucleic acid purification from a wide variety of both DNA and RNA viruses such as HBV, CMV, HCV, HIV, and HTLV. 10E1-10E9 copies of viral DNA/RNA can be purified from 200 µl of serum within 60 minutes. The purified viral DNA/RNA can be used directly in qPCR and qRT-PCR assays.