Geneaid™ Hot Start Taq PCR Master Mix with Dye (HSTQ100)
PCR/PCRGeneaid™ 2X Hot Start Taq PCR Master Mix with Dye includes all of the components necessary to perform PCR, with the exception of template and primer. Antibody modified Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, and reaction buffers are provided at optimized concentrations. Simply add primers, template DNA and sterile water to a final volume of up to 100 μl to complete the PCR reaction mix in routine PCR assays including colony PCR and recombinant screening PCR. In addition, the blue color DNA loading dye has already been mixed in the Geneaid™ Hot Start Taq PCR Master Mix. After PCR reaction, the PCR products could be conveniently loaded on the agarose gel without mix with loading dye in advance.