HealthTrace™ Dye as Loading Buffer, 6x (HTLD001s, HTLD001, HTLD005)
Others/DNA LaddersHealthTrace™ Dye as Loading Buffer, 6x is an eco-friendly DNA visualization dye designed to replace the use of hazardous ethidium bromide in DNA gels and running buffer. Packaged as Geneaid DNA Loading Dye (6X), this non-toxic and non-mutagenic dye features two tracking dyes migrating at 4,000 bp and 400 bp. DNA samples, when mixed with HealthTrace™ Dye as Loading Buffer, can be seamlessly applied to both agarose and polyacrylamide gels. Upon application, HealthTrace™ Dye swiftly forms a complex with the DNA, co-migrating during electrophoresis. Emitting green fluorescence upon binding to DNA, immediate visualization of samples is facilitated post-electrophoresis using standard UV or blue light illumination for gel documentation. There is no requirement for subsequent post-staining or destaining procedures.