

Urine DNA Extraction Kit (UR050, UR100)

DNA Extraction/Genomic DNA Purification

The Presto™ Urine DNA Extraction Kit is designed for rapid isolation of high-quality cellular and cell-free DNA from up to 5 ml of urine. The kit includes uniquely designed Column Extension Tubes which allow for increased sample volume and yield. Urine samples are lysed using Proteinase K and a buffer containing chaotropic salt. The lysate is mixed with a binding buffer to facilitate DNA binding to the column membrane. The column is then washed and DNA is eluted with Elution Buffer. The entire procedure can be completed within 60 minutes and the purified DNA is ready for use in a variety of downstream applications such as qPCR, Next-Generation sequencing and DNA methylation analysis.




  • Operation time: Purify cellular and cell-free DNA within 60 minutes.
  • Sample: 1-5 ml of urine
  • Format: Spin columns combined with column extension tubes using vacuum or centrifuge
  • Yield: 1-20 ng of DNA per ml of male urine. 5-1000 ng of DNA per ml of female urine.
  • Elution Volume: 30-50 µl
  • Storage: dry at room temperature (20~25ºC)


qPCR, Next-Generation sequencing and DNA methylation analysis


During operation, always wear a lab coat, disposable gloves, protective goggles and (anti-fog) procedure mask.


  • UR1 Buffer
  • UR2 Buffer
  • Proteinase K
  • W1 Buffer
  • Wash Buffer
  • Elution Buffer
  • Carrier RNA
  • Column Extender
  • GD Column
  • 2 ml Collection Tube


The quality of the Presto™ Urine Extraction Kit is tested on a lot-to-lot basis by isolating DNA from 2 ml of urine. Following the purification process, the purified DNA integrity was assessed by qPCR.

Presto™ Urine DNA Extraction Kit Functional Test Data


Figure 1 .Cellular and cell-free DNA was effectively purified from 5 ml of healthy female urine using Presto™ Urine DNA Extraction Kit.
The purified DNA was eluted with 30 µl Elution Buffer. Purified DNA was analyzed using the Qsep100 capillary electrophoresis system (Bioptic).


Figure 2 .Total genomic DNA was isolated from 2, 5 ml of female urine samples (2 replicates of each sample) using Presto™ Urine DNA Extraction Kit.

The purified DNA was eluted with 30 μl Elution Buffer. A real-time PCR assay was then performed with 1 μl of purified DNA as template, primers (designed to amplify the human GAPDH gene), and Fast SYBR Green PCR Master Mix using the StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR system (Applied Biosystems). The red line corresponds to the purified DNA from 5 ml of urine samples, the green line corresponds to the purified DNA from 2 ml of urine samples. The black line corresponds to the No Template Control.

Genomic DNA Extraction Kits Specifications

SpecificationsgSYNC™ DNA Extraction KitGenomic DNA Mini Kit Blood Cultured CellGenomic DNA Mini Kit TissueGenomic DNA Mini/Maxi Kit PlantPresto™ Mini gDNA Bacteria KitPresto™ Mini gDNA Yeast KitGeneius™ Micro gDNA Extraction KitPresto™ Buccal Swab gDNA Extraction Kit
Cat. #GS100
FormatSpin ColumnSpin ColumnSpin ColumnSpin ColumnSpin ColumnSpin ColumnSpin ColumnSpin Column
Binding Capacity50 µg50 µg50 µg50 µg (Mini)
500 µg (Maxi)
50 µgN/A50 µg50 µg
Sample200 µl blood300 µl blood30 mg animal tissueMini: 100 mg plant tissue1x109 bacterial cells2x108 yeast cells1-100 µl bloodbuccal swabs
 20 mg animal tissue200 µl buffy coat Maxi: 1 g plant tissue200 µl blood FTA® Cards 
 1x107 cultured cells1x107 cultured cells  1 ml urine, plasma 1 ml urine 
 hair2x108 yeast/fungus    1-100 µl saliva 
Filter ColumnN/AN/AN/AYesN/AN/AN/AYes
EnzymeProteinase KN/AProteinase KN/ALysozyme Proteinase KN/AProteinase KProteinase K
Typical Yield5 µg from
200 µl blood
4-10 µg from
300 µl blood
10-40 µg from
20 mg tissue
3-5 µg from 100 mg Arabidopsis leaf (Mini)37 µg from 1x109 E. coli10 µg from 2x108 S. cerevisiae cells300 ng from 6 mm blood spots2 µg per swab
 10-40 µg from
20 mg tissue
  80 µg from 500 mg Lemon leaf (Maxi)10-15 µg from 1x109 Bacillus subtilis   
Elution Volume30-100 µl30-200 µl30-200 µl30-200 µl (Mini)
1 ml (Maxi)
30-200 µl30-200 µl30-100 µl50-100 µl
Operation Time<20 minutes<25 minutes30 minutes<30 minutes<30 minutes<40 minutes<20 minutes<20 minutes

