96 Well Bacteria DNA Kit (96GBB04, 96GBB10)
DNA Extraction/Genomic DNA PurificationThe Presto™ 96 Well gDNA Bacteria Kit is optimized for high-throughput genomic and viral DNA purification from Gram (-) negative and Gram (+) positive bacterial cells. Gram+ Buffer, when combined with Lysozyme, will efficiently lyse bacterial cell walls consisting of the peptidoglycan layer. Proteinase K and chaotropic salt are used to further lyse cells and degrade protein, allowing DNA to easily bind to the glass fiber matrix of the binding plate. Contaminants are removed using a Wash Buffer (containing ethanol) and the purified genomic DNA is eluted by a low salt Elution Buffer, TE or water. Phenol/chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation is not required and the purified genomic DNA is ready for use in a variety of downstream applications.